Wednesday 23 April 2014

UK to introduce Mass 'slave labour' Workfare or daily signing on

The cost to the public where private companies will be paid £ millions and £ billions to cover all the extra work created by schemes and daily signing on queues, will also impact on the environment, with millions of extra journeys. This will affect public transport, including during rush hours with millions of extra commuters of the jobless on their daily journeys to spend hours queuing up at job centres or travelling to and from places they will spend all day working for no pay and so all the extra travel costs will have to be paid for by the government, as well as extra transport pollution affecting greenhouse gasses, causing congestion on the roads and overcrowded public transport, all to no avail for pay and benefits at far less than subsistence, so not alleviating food banks or malnutrition in UK.

It will add to the country’s petrol consumption and wasting time of job seekers with no advantage for gaining real work that would add a standard of living for job seekers instead of a measly existence at just 10% of average wages or 20% of minimum wage. Yet with most of the outgoings anyone has on minimum wage jobs, but far below the level required to live on in UK, where cost of living is amongst the highest in the world. Just to exist requires £ hundreds every month to pay utility bills, water, gas, electric, TV licence (needed to pay BBC to broadcast propaganda and required for a computer or DVD player, to play disks bought when people had jobs before they were made redundant, even if don’t watch any TV), household insurance, mortgages or rent, council tax also now comes from benefit, all travel, all not options, everything, not leaving enough for food. If anything the new regime will lower the chances of finding work due to all the extra time travelling or spent working as unpaid slaves.

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