Monday 16 June 2014

"War on Welfare" WOW Petition, onwards

"To stop the War on Welfare"
This great organisation ,team, blog and social media contains a wealth of information and needs to be read to understand, as the mainstream media gives very little coverage to the many issues and very real suffering of many.

   Great contributions by campaigners:

The WOW Petition supports disabled rights, campaigns to get adequate benefits and support to enable disabled to take part in society without extra stresses of inadequate benefits, constant harassment. This includes negative media campaigns, inaccurate portrayals stereotyping, media iconography, scapegoating, public ignorance and anti-disabled hate stirred up by government and media campaigns against disabled of all kinds, physical and mental or both and against anyone who has to resort to benefits due to there being vastly insufficient living wage jobs in UK, with often employer discrimination or insufficient provision for disabled workers. But also a caring society where those who are fortunate enough not to suffer from disabilities. To support those who have to work hard just to get a long, to give everyone a chance to have a reasonable and better quality of life, to provide facilities to enable greater participation and opportunities on more equal terms.

As all disabled, with different disabilities and severity of disabilities, along with all whom are fortunate enough to not be disabled or to only have more minor limitations, but for many disabilities it is more difficult and for more serve disabilities it they are difficult enough to cope with and in a caring society, should be given the best support possible to enhance lifestyle as much as possible. But for governments, employers, the media and society making it even worse, this is cruelty.

People in power trying to preserve inequality, privileges for a select few connected individuals and in-groups, buddies with wealth, power and nepotism. Unequal wealth distribution and limited opportunities, often very limited for many disabilities. Also there are different levels of disability, also artificial stigmas of employers not considering disabled on grounds of being labelled disabled, whilst making no or limited efforts to accommodate for disabled in the work place, with their only driving motivation being maximum profit whilst paying staff as little as possible, with the worst working conditions they can get away with and not paying to support disabled, which is a failure of an advanced modern and by comparison with the Third World and large numbers of very rich, an otherwise affluent society, except for the poor masses that is.

Also governments forcing disabled into jobs they can't cope with due to their disabilities, or lack of support with technology or facilities, or a lack of willingness to accommodate for variable conditions, flexible enough working to facilitate and accommodate. What's more many jobs advertised or jobs selected from job centres for disabled to apply for are  generally at the lowest levels of pay and if combined with temporary part-time or zero hours in hopelessly inadequate, even worse workfare, unpaid labour. This is bad enough for non-disabled unemployed being moved into inadequate not real jobs, i.e. not living wage, with no job security and insufficient income.

But this is even worse for disabled as combined with the very poor pay and conditions unsuitable jobs can be damaging to their health. The whole processes of assessment, reassessment and during assessment or on having disabled benefits stopped, the immense psychological and physical stresses of being forced to compete for unsuitable work and the real worries of being left with inadequate benefits and means of existence to afford to live in UK with one of the highest cost of living in the world, or even draconian sanctions cutting off all support, an unequal society.

DPAC 'Disabled People Against the Cuts' is an excellent disabled activist organisation offering great support to disabled and willing to participate in direct action to get message of a better society, where everyone deserves equality of opportunity and support where necessary to reduce suffering, to enhance quality of life as far as possible and to achieve at least an adequate standard of living for all.

Excellent website with much information, support, contacts and latest news:

 MPs cant be bothered, disgraceful almost empty parliament for important debates:

 Coronation Street stars join the protest on behalf of disabled people:

What cuts and austerity mean to disabled, how they affect lives of the poor impoverished in UK:

DPAC and UK Uncut Protest ATOS and DWP (Aug 2012):

DPAC Protest in Hyde Park, London (2012):

Iain Duncan Smith and Esther McVey run away from Sonia Poulton (2014): 

Demo with Russell Brand, Owen Jones & Caroline Lucas in London (June 2014):

Recommended Reading:

Francesca Martinez

Disability activist and one of the founders of WOW petition, comedian and excellent public speaker, intelligent and humorous, hard hitting against injustice, unfairness, discrimination, inequality. An ideal speaker for any university or any public campaign for the rights of people to be people to be able to make the most of their lives, everywhere:

Harry's Last Stand

By Harry Smith


Austerity bites

By Mary OHara


 Harry's Last Stand by Harry Leslie Smith and Austerity Bites by Mary O'Hara – reviews | Books | The Guardian

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